Environmental Statement

In today’s world every industry is optimizing their Sources, equipments, Processes to face increasing competitions are forced to minimize Environmental pollution. There is need of pressure on Pollution contributing industries to optimize their production by improving production technologies.

The only mandatory process in Environmental Statement is to fill up the Form V and submit it to Pollution Control Board. This exercise is to self-Inspection for Improvement in Processes and Reduction in Waste over the last year. If you notice Form V there are fields where industry needs to put their last year’s Numbers with Current Years Numbers to identify where they stand.

Environmental Statement notification

Notification for Environmental Statement form v Published on 28 Apr 1992 by Ministry of Environment and Forest. As per act (Water, Air and Hazardous waste) Every Industry should submit environmental Statement for financial year ending (i.e. 31st Mar) to concerned state Pollution Control Board.

Information Collected through Environmental Statement Form V

In the Environmental Statement every industry should to provide Information on Production, Consumption of raw, Water, Pollutants discharged in environment, Solid and Hazardous waste with their Treatment Processes.

Important things to be reported to Pollution control board are:

  • If that company is reusing its by-products or waste material which results in Reduction in consumption of Air, Water or energy.
  • Production cost
  • Additional Investment proposals for environmental Protection i.e. up-gradation, Improvement in

Process or New Equipments to reduce Environmental Pollution.