Workplace Monitoring

What is Workplace Monitoring?

Workplace monitoring is process in which auditing of work area which maintains temperature, humidity, illumination and required numbers of air changes. People spend their one third time in workplace it is necessary to keep it pleasant so that it will increase their efficiency. There are three types of Monitoring required in Workplace Monitoring in places such as Factories, mines etc. which are Indoor Air Quality, Noise measurement and Hazardous gases & chemicals.

Air Sampling for Dust in Workplace Monitoring

In this sampling, Respirable Dust Sampler is used to identify quantity of dust present in working place of industry. This particulate pollutant/Dust is trapped on filter media & analysis is done in laboratory.

Trapped Dust is measured with the help of following formula:

SPM = (Final wt. of filter paper – Initial wt. of Filter paper) * 10-6 / Total Air Passed

Air passed = ((Initial Air + Final Air) + T) / 2

T= Time of sampling, min

Two types of samples are taken into consideration viz. PM10 i.e. Particulate Matter less than 10 micron meter & PM2.5 i.e. Particulate Matter less than 2.5 micron meter. SO2, NOx also measured in this Process. For more info visit Indoor air Quality

Workplace Air Monitoring

Workplace air monitoring is process to measure pollutants present in air at workplace. It helps us to identify sources of pollutants and to evaluate efficiency of existing or newly installed or implemented control measures.

Workplace air monitoring can be conducted by using High Volume Respirable Dust Samplers, Indoor air quality monitor, Handy sampler etc.